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Captain Slow
S2 licensed
depends what you mean. if it was alowed to move in the right direction it should, but also depends on speed of convayor belt. anyway wat u plannin on doing?

Quote :I just woke up

good for you. have a good sleep?
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :i think the locals think im a peado - as part of my geography coursework i went to the local school and took photos of the "School run mum's Banzai parking manovers" and mothers rushed their children away from me!

you dont want to know what people think of me (just waiting for whizzkidone to make his tenth post now). all i do is act slightly camp and you get accused of allsorts.

Quote from Jakg :i cant find it in my "super council dossier of money wasting" but iirc they spent £30,000 on a Bus Lane that is about 1/2 a mile long!

thats alot of graffiti and piss

EDit: aahh, buss lane, not buss stand.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :

to the left - a girl with attention problems (she like it, and makes up stuff to get it - ie, she claims to have been raped :schwitz


theres one everywhere. we have one who keeps saying she going to move away, then everyone says oodbye, then she doesnt, then she once cut her stomach with a knife. queer lass
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
some stats about my home town(village),
  • its shit
  • theres nothing to do
  • theres to many chavs
  • the tap water smells funny
  • theres thousands of dead animals burried not far away
  • the indian take-away is crap,
  • we have 6 windmilss
  • we are known for being scruffy
  • the weather is terrible
  • we spend around £2 per year on regeneration
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote :yay! coursework is FUN!!!!

noooooooooooooo. that reminds me i have to go back to 6th form next week. *crys*

i mite just get a job at asda. then buy a g25
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Leifde :Deadline has passed

the PM was handing in my resignation.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :Great so your planning on making the oval community even worse than it already is.

whats that meant to mean, theres not a thing wrong with it.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
whooa, this thread stayed on topic. must be some alien device .

i set the blackwood pic as my background, then my dad made me change it back because "it was a mess". so now i think im going to photoshop all the lfs cars onto the typical "bliss" windows background. but dont worry i stil like those pics^
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
aaaaaaaaahhh i always want kimi to win. i just like him for some reason, mibi cos i like hakkinen and there names sort of rhyme, i dunno, but hes had awfull luck with maclaren
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Cropsy :I can't drive the oval because I find it more fun to cut my scrotum with a rusty razor blade. You should try it some time.

ye but once youve cut it to many times theres nothing left, so you still go back to oval racing, except, your missing two ovals of your own.

Quote :I have had some good races on oval with LX6 tonight ,the last turn is quite tricky with this car, try it!!!!

was that online? i remember a server ages ago that had lx`s on the oval, then it dissapeared, i seem to remember someone called anabel or something.
Last edited by Captain Slow, .
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :99% agree. Like the XRR more then the FXR. But FO8@oval rockzzzzz

Uh and btw: The 4th option should named "I can´t DRIVE ovals" =)

hehe, true. ony reason i dont drift is because im hopeless,

and i used to be crap(er) at oval racing untill i went on your server were i got alot of help, so cheers
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
i know, 360 laps. , i might make a device to turn my wheel 45 degrees left at intervals ofhowever many seconds and just let it run for a bit while i have an hours kip.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
all this talk of guitars i maight as well join in. ive been trying to get a trmolo bar to fit my guitar (11 year old marlin sidewinder) and now found that the casting inside was smashed. i took it all to bits, and me and my dad treid to weld it with this dodgy aluminium stuff (you cant mig weld cast stuff), but it wouldnt take, so now im stuck, untilli save enough money for a floyd rose

edit: nice work all. i love instroments that have had time spent on them rarther than mass produced in a factory
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Nuttyboy, your signature is HUGE!

could be worse, he could of quoted one of funnybears storys.(see pluto no more thread)
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :
I just dont understand. I've joined an oval league though... lol. I'm going to overtake and stay there! Well perhaps not, on account of no talent with GTR's or anything...

dont worry you could well be racing me, so you will at least overtake someone. also check my sig for help with the 360 lap race. (i am right in thinking your talkng about the 360 race series)
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnUK89 :Nah the translator wasn't crap, Captain Slow's german was

i know, the reason would be because i am an englishman. i was jus bored and felt like attemtping german. i can still say my fav food is dog s**t though. even though it isnt.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :Did anyone of you take number 2 today. Nobodys mentioned it.

And i'm concerned about this, why.

eh, vas is dis nummer zwei du spechen?
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
iv just realised iv spelt lfs forum "lfs fourm" when i bookmarked it. how stupid of me
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
i discovered not been able to make a noise while your sis is in bed cos of workin nights sucks.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
pm sent.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
whey aye lad!!!
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :Well I used automatic.

cheataahh. you should get a sore head like me.
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
woke up at about 8 oclock. laid in bed till about 9.50. got up, got a wash (yes, whats the world coming to), and went downstairs, checked on my dad in the garage, escaped before bieng enrolled into doing some work. had a loko on the forum, tarted up my site a bit, had some dinner, went on lfs forum a bit more, went down garage before my dad spat his dummy out, escaped again without doing work, back on forum. tryed msn, got pissed of with my tinternet connection, had some tea, played my guitar, made my fingers sore, played lfs and now im here.
oval racing
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
i wanted a general opinion on oval racing. vote^
Captain Slow
S2 licensed
eeh eeh eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh